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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  December 16, 2012 2:30am-3:00am EST

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ultimatum demanding taxes on what he calls the wealthy. you haven't got a crisis, but an opportunity to work together. when the president delivers an ultimatum like a dictator in a third world country instead of to the congress of the united states, the house of the people -- i mean, we have lost our way here, haven't we? >> yes, we definitely have. those republicans that got reelected, and the ones i got elected -- basically said they were not going to raise taxes. they have a fiscal plan. the fiscal plan means that you want to bring down the trillion dollar per year deficit. we want to get to the point where you have fiscal stability in this country. at this point in time, we are just playing games, and i think it is foolish to the economy in such a crisis. lou: you can take the speaker boehner plan, they obama plan, no plan. both of these plans as they are
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enunciated right now result in 10 years from now, just about a $25.5 trillion national debt. that is not much of a plan. [laughter] ed rollins, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. lou: much more on the fiscal cliff, the games being played by the president and the congress. we will take that up with the "a-team" coming up next. and ambassador rice will not be secrety of state. after meeting with the president, she is still on the obama "a-team." the lou dobbs "a-team" is next. the vice president has been in hiding since the election. fortunately, there is a long list of standards making a name and saying just plain stupid remarks. the stupid list is coming right up. end of its wrote.
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and an unspeakable tragedy at the school in sandy hook. >> i only ask that all of our fellow citizens in the united states and around the world that have offered assistance to remember the victims. remember the victims. lou: a deeply disturbed heyyy, you're going out like that? yeah, why? well, what would the neighbors think? i see you! c'mon, get mister feather! look what i have. mister bird. remember? quack quack quack! we're just playing! we're just playing! i'm trying to get you out of there! even still... announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection, they need you.
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lou: the nation tonight mourns the senseless massacre in newtown, connecticut. this candle lightville jill in washington, d.c., one of many taking place around the country. he reportedly shot his mother at her moment, before he then went to the school at which she taught and opened fire.
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twentity-six murdered before he turned the gun on himself, twenty of the victims children. fox news confirms the three weapons used were legally purchased and legally registered to lanza's mother. joining us now, psychotherapist robby, ludwig, and we talkedded about these killings far too much. in this instance, young, i mean, talking 5-year-old children, makes it all the more tragic p p >> right, and, i mean, sometimes what we see is these spree killers target children because they are an easy mark, and they know it's such a heinous crime. they target people during the workweek. they target them during work hours because th know that they can get the most amount of people during that time. there's always a connection. there's always some straw that broke the camel's back, always
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some major rejection that this individual can't tolerate, and the way they handle it is by targeting somebody that means something to them so what did the school mean to this particular shooter? what did the children mean? lou: and to kill his mother, that, in itself, and that is the beginning of the spree, as you described p -- described it. >> right, yeah. lou: that led to the murder of the children and six others. >> this is a killing of one's mother. he was an adult. he was not a child. that changes the dynamics of. lou: we had -- we repoed at the outset, so many politicians, elected officials, primarily congressmen, but senators as well, with and literally within the hour, sending out statements from their dstrict at home
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offices decrying guns and insisting upon gun control without knowing anything about it without a decent interval between e senseless deaths, these tragic deaths, and this to -- tragedy. >> don't confuse responsible gun ownership with this type of heinous crime. they are not one in the same, but we certainly want to make sure if people legally own guns, and especially if they had somebody who is ill in the home, make sure it's lockedded away. lou: absolutely. >> make sure there's no access to the guns because it's, you know, someone who's not well has acss to a gun, they can use it. >> as dr. ludwig is saying, we have reports that ths young man had -- was mentally disturbed, had mental illness of some form, we do not know what, his brother
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describing him and others being reported as, the man displaying obsessive-compulsive behavior. i have to tell you as a layman is, i can't tell you what obsessive-coulsive is, but a troubled young man. >> someone who is obsessive-compulsive is fix sated on a thought or idea. in this case, you wonder if he was fixuated on an idea of violence. we don't know the details behind the story. was there an argument with his mother? envious of the kids his mother was teaching? feel they were getting something from his mother that he couldn't? all of these things he was not able to put into words, and that he acted out upon, and clealy, he's a very rageful, was a very rageful man. people who engage inpree killings, they are angry with the world. lou: as we look at days ahead,
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none of the senators talked about the importance to assess in the communitythose who are troubled, disturbed. the importance of a strong family and support for individuals who do have mental illness. for that matter, strong mat families for all of us. this seems to be certainly well above concerns about gun control. >> well, look, we have to consider that. certainly, but, what about, also, not demonizing people with mental health issues? destigmatizeing them and making it okay for people to get eatment when they need to. that would certainly help if we made it okay for families to identify people who are ill and potentially dangerous and making access to health okay or just teaching people to be supportive of each other when they have a range of feelings. lou: yeah. i think, personally, my
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experience has been that we are, as a society, willing to embrace those who are mentally ill, care for them, and understand the illness. we are less so to allow our lives to be interfered with in providing support to those ho desperately need it in our own families and circle of friends and community. >> absolutely, it will make a difference, it will. lou: you always a make a difference. thank you for being here. appreciate it. thank you. lou: one says his party will never run out of things to tax or try to tax. we'll share that with you. next week, senator john barasso joins us, and moody's chief economist on the fiscal cliff. that's rights, it nears. join us for that next week. stay with us tonight. our first edition of the stupid list is next, and it is long.
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lou: there's a common threat running through some of the day's headlines, so we call this element of our broadcast "the stupid list," and first up two msnbc host who blame susan rice's troubles on conservative news outlets and racism, of course. >> it's not going to help that a woman, and a woman of color was forced out of a confirmation process before nominated. >> became a victim of this. there's now advocacy journalism or media, "jumpism" is not the right word, but media that based republican politics are sensitive to, and elected officials are reactive to. lou: the first black secretary of state was republican; right? i'm sure they know. dan rather says prident obama showed weakness not fighting harder for ambassador rice.
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>> talk is cheap. it's what you do that counts. what happened today plays into the perception, the perception growing among the republicans that a street language, president obama can be rogue for his wallet and his watch. he's not a guy who puts up a fight. lou: a love that, that rather thinkst that's street language. we doubt the top 2% of taxpayers agree on that statement irrespective. another tax happy democrat and his thoughts. congressman blumenhour of oregon wrote a bill how government can tax cars by the mile. this idea, and i don't want to say it's stupid, but it is, and it's not even original. a mileage tax program was proposed twice last year. that's how bad that one is. the last spot on the list goes to espn commentator rob parker,
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the former detroit news coal imu.s. yesterday questioned the blackness of washington red skins robert griffin iii claiming he was not authentic. >> i keep hearing things, we all know he has a white fiance, talk about he's a republican. he's not really, okay. he's black, does the thing, but he's not really down with the cause. he's not one of us. he's kind of black. he's in the -- he's not really, like, the guy you want to hang out because he's off to something else. lou: espn suspended parker indefinitely, and to be honest with you, i think we would miss him, don't you? ambassador rice questioning contributics about false statements on benghazi, the a-teamtakes it up and more. doug shone, angela, join us next.
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plus get this document shredder free-- but only if you act right now. call the number on your screen now! lou: on a day of national tragedy, we remember another one. today is the two-year anniversary of the death of border patrol agent bryan terry murdered in a shootout on the arizona-mexican border. two weapons found at the scene were from the justice department's fast and furious, presumed his assaillants were smuggers of illegal immigrants. joining me now is doug shone, former speech writer to copped lee -- condoleezza rice, fox news contributor, angela, and let's start with, first of all, these
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calls gun controls within the hour of the tragedy occurring. your thoughts, doug? >> well, i' of two minds. lou: okay. >> as a supporter of gun patrol, i understand it and accept it. on the other hand, in an hour or two of the aftermath of this, you want to pull together and t with the family and your family rather than focusing on political solutions no matter how right they may be. the president this afternoon, some decent interval, after it took place, reiterating his preface for gun control. bobby rush, who defeated the president, angela, is crying for gun control in chicago where -- the murder capital of the country which has thee most stringent gun control laws of any city in the country, and that's madness. >> it is madness right now. i an, dc, in this city, proven
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that gun bans don't decrease crime, but increase crime. gun bans, lou, make law-abiding citizens less armed and criminals armed who don't buy by the law. the guns criminals use don't get them at gun shows; they are legal guns they use. lou: the idea that gun control is the solution, the response, and the fact chicago, the murder capital of the world, people are reagenting and not talking about why are we not protecting our young,our vulnerable in public schools. why not securi? they could be volunteers, paid security officers. they could be police, law enforcement officers. why not that discussion? >> i don't like the response at all, but something like this happens, the media says what can we do to stop this right now? that's the natural, i think,
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instincts on the democratic side. i'm not for gun control, but what happened today was such a horrible -- >> don't we have to have a dialogue about it? >> exactly. what -- i don't think that just anyone should be able to go buy a gun without a background i just don't. look at what happened today. >> if you look at switzerland and israel where they don't have gun laws, they have the lowest murder rates. look at israel. people carry guns around on their shoulders. it's not -- >> it's not guns people killing people, it's the people killing people. >> they don't have any gun laws. you see what i'm saying? it's not banning guns that's going to make a change. we need a dialogue? yes. going against second amendment, it's not solving anything. lou: andrea mitchell addressing the issue of ambassador rice and insisting, again, on attaching a racial motivation to the
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legitimate furry and a representative armed government lying to the american people. then dismissing it as a matter of color. could show be more insulte >> well, she couldn't be more wrong. i mean, ambassador rice withdrew, said herself she saw her nomination would be controversial, not only because of the the tragedy in libya, but her actions and support for dictators in africa when she was the assistant sec secretary. nothing to do with race, lou. lou: angela? >> listen, lou, it's what liberals do best. controversial like this brings out the vick testimonihood vendors, and wait until what al sharpton has to say, they race bait bringing out emotion rather than looking at what susan rice did. i mean, it's their own fault, but they blame racists, white
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republicans saying they are going against her because she's a black woman and it's bad for the g.o.p.. lou: maybe there's a racial component to the fiscal cliff that's eluded. what do you think? >> i don't know about that. i still, though, am very upset over benghazi. i can't believe -- it's amazing how hillary clinton has been able to just skirt away, not have any accountability over what happened. >> i must say i think the real message tonight is with a tragedy like this, hopefully it renews calls for cooperation bipartisanship, and an ability to solve our problems. lou: you think secretary clinton will show up on the 20th of this month, next week, and deas a rule j fully and -- deas avulge all the details? you think the day is dawning? >> i hope i does, but i tell you, lou, i doubt, given the politics of it, that she will.
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a ragedy rather than a political controversy. >> well, luckily, your wishes may come true some day. thank you so much. >> thank you so much, thank you. that's all for us tonight. we hope you have a very good weekend. it's a week coming at us, the fiscal cliff. i'm sure it's resolved tuesday or wednesday maybe? we appreciate you being with us tonight. as i said, have a great weekend. good night from new york. ♪
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